Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Class Assignment


One of your fellow students brought up an interesting discussion topic. She talked with her mother about technology today versus technology when her mother was her age. For your assignment, I would like you to find an adult and discuss and the differences in today's technology versus technology when they were young. Please post your findings on your blog.

Teacher :-)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Technology and Human Rights

Did you know that in some countries (such as China) technology and the use of it, like the internet, is censored by the government!! The Chinese government can restrict the sites you visit the things you type and all sorts of other things! That is a total infringement on personal rights!! Glad I don't live in China. Don't think I could live without the use of My Space!!


I talked to mom about technology last night and she didn't have a clue!! Since I can remember I have been using a computer for just about everything. She didn't even know what Facebook was!! I wonder if technological knowledge is dependent upon age?

Class Reflection

Wow!! Finding out about all the rights we have as American citizens compared to people of other countries really makes me glad that I live in the US!!